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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Being Outflopped

Ok, so I haven’t made any entries in the ole’ blog in a while. I guess my blogger motivation level has dipped a little.

Anyway, I’ve been playing a little poker, playing a little basketball, working a few more hours at work than normal, and just chilling around the house a little.

The first session to recap was at Greektown right after Christmas. I took off from work a little early one day, met a friend, and settled down at the $1/$2 NL table. Right away I started feeling ill. My head hurt. I couldn’t concentrate. To make matters worse, we had a dealer that was staring off into space while shuffling, moving in super slow-mo, cranking out about 15 hands an hour. I just couldn’t take it anymore, so I apologized to my friend, told him I had to leave after playing for just 30 minutes. I cashed out, $18 lighter, and left. Before I could make it to the elevator, I got a call on my cell phone. The bad beat jackpot was just hit on my table 2 hands after I had left. The table’s share was around $1500. Talk about a bad beat!

Then, 2 days later. I played a $2/$4 limit cash game (my favorite) at Flushie’s house. I was beaten severely to the tune of $115. Way to close out 2007 JJ!

For first session of 2008 I decided to play in a $100 buyin PLO tournament. I don’t really like playing in tournaments, but I really like PLO and I had been playing a bunch of PLO tournaments on line. I thought I might have an edge on this field, so I had really high hopes.

I played really well. There were two 6 handed tables. I was crushing my table. I had tripled up in the first 3 levels by just play normal, ABC poker. Then, I found myself in a big pot against a small stack. I needed to call off about 25% of my stack against a player that was able to move all in on the flop. I held Ac-Kc-10s-9s. The board read 8x-Jx-2x-4x. The pot was around $2500 and the bet was around $1200. I figured the math was in my favor. 8 outs makes me about 2:1 against but the pot was laying 3:1. So I called and lost. Then, I lost a huge pot against a donkey who bluffed all of his chips and caught what I think was a 2 outer.

Oh well. I really enjoyed playing the tournament. A real interesting hand came up in the cash game afterwards. We were playing a game that was like PL Omaha H/L with $1/$2 blinds. Only in this game, you were dealt 6 cards. You needed to discard 1 card preflop and 1 card on the flop. Then, the game played as normal. If I asked you, “what would be the best starting hand in a game like this,” what would you say?

I think something like A-A-2-3-K-Q triple suited or A-A-2-2-3-4 triple suited might be the best possible starting hands.

Anyway, I was dealt A-A-2-3-K-X double suited on the first hand of the round. I made a ton of money. On the second hand of the round, I was dealt A-A-2-3-X-X double suited. I made a little money after I agreed to cap the betting at like $40 with Cobra after a board of K-J-8 came out.

The following weekend, I played an uneventful session at Kyle’s and lost $60. Way to start the new year JJ!

To spice it up a little, I played an afternoon session of pick up basketball at OU last weekend with Skalony and Karl. I, being 43, should be at a distinct disadvantage. I held my own.

Then this last Friday, we played a session at Husker House Casino on Friday. The first half of the evening we played $2/$4 limit mixed games with a full kill. I ended up about $30 bucks from the session. Then we switched to PLO and PLHE round x round for the second half of the evening.

Nothing too remarkable to report. I took a couple of beats. I laid a couple of beats (like getting all of my money in with K-K-5-6 vs A-A-K-x, and chopping the pot after we agreed to run it twice and I found the case king on the 2nd board. Surprisingly, I’m only a 2:1 dog even with this bad hand. Omaha is fun!

Anyway, It’s quiz time.

An Omaha question came up. It basically took the form of “If you have 2 aces and raise preflop and get heads up, what is the chance that you’ll be out flopped?” This is an important question because it really translates to, “how often should I continuation bet on a ragged board?”

A little more definition might be. If you hold 4 random, unpaird cards, what is a chance that a 3 card flop will make you 2 pair or better.

I suspect that the answer is somewhere around 25% to 30%.

I guess I could peruse 2 plus 2 forums…but I’m too lazy.

Anyone know the answer?

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