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Thursday, November 06, 2008

blogged out

Ok, so I haven't blogged too much lately.

I was planning to make an entry every couple of days.

But that turned into once a week, and that turned into once a month.

Things have been pretty gloomy lately - economy, GM, election, etc....

I'll try to do better.

On the bright side, the Lake Orion Dragons are progressing through the High School football playoffs. This has been a ton of fun. We have been tailgaiting, celebrating the wins, etc....

I have to make a little analysis.

It goes like this.

I spent about 6 hours cleaning out the garage recently as I was preparing for my daughter's Halloween party. You see, I was going to be building a hauted maze in the garage as part of the fun. I add to that the 12 hours I spent on Thu actually constructing the maze. Then, I add to that the 3 hours of cleaning up the maze. I get a grand total of 21 hours (and $50 in supplies) spent on this haunted maze.

Now don't get me wrong, the maze kicked ass. Very scary.

It got me to wondering. What would my expectation be if I invested 21 hours in casino poker play instead?

I figure I could get 3 sessions (16 hours of card play, 4.5 hours of travel, 0.5 hours of breaks/screwing around) in at the casino for a total investment of 21 hours.

Based on my last 10 casino trips, I make $36/hour. So this hauted maze "cost" me about $600.

I could have bought a Sony Wii with Rock Band and had some $$ left over. Which do you think my daugher would have prefered?

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