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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Great Blue Heron - the optimistic JJ

So I'm zero for two at the Great Blue Heron charity Casino in Port Perry Ontario.

But tonight, I'm going to beat the holy crap out of that low limit ($5/$10) Hold'Em game there.

I post my results in a couple of days.

Here are my keys:

Theme: Play tight/loose (tight preflop and loose uber-agressive post flop).

Key #1: Open for a raise. If I open a pot, I want to open for a raise about 4/5 times. Avoid limping from early position.

Key #2: Count all of the outs (partial outs, hidden outs, etc...) after the flop. Try to find a reason to call vs. a reason to fold. 5 outs with 2 cards to come is golden. 9 outs on the turn is beautiful. Use a kind of 'biased' logic.

Key #3: No overcalling/cold calling. If I'm tempted to overcall or cold call, just raise it! If not, fold.

Key #4: Value bet relentlessly. These fish call with any bottom/middle pair just to prevent anyone from bluffing them off a hand. I should help releive them of the burdon of their Canadian dollars. If I get check raised on a river value bet more than 10 times, I can re-evaluate this strategy. Until them...value bet damit!

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