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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

One myth debunked

So my wife threw her back out on Christmas eve eve. She can't get around very well and she can't stand up for very long. That leaves me with a huge problem. Who'll cook the Christmas meal? Who'll wrap presents? Who'll keep the house clean why I watch TV and play with the kids and their new toys?

The way I see it, I have one of two choices. (A) I can just call off Christmas or (B) I'm gonna need to step up to this challenge.

So, I'm literally driving down I75 south headed to Motor City, when I mentally commit to this challenge. I turn the car around. I head home. I mean, how hard can it be? You cook a few things. You run the dishwasher a few times. Fold some clothes. What's the big deal....right?

So, I start cleaning. I start the laundry. I go to the store and buy the Christmas meal.

Before too long, the house is clean. I've got the laundry put away. I stay up late on Sunday night wrapping presents (and playing online poker....and watching poker on TV). Things are going pretty good.

Wake up early Monday morning. Everyone opens presents. Things are going good. I start cooking around 9a. Turkey is in. Ham is in. Corn casserole, check. Green bean casserole, check. Pies, check. Mashed potatoes and gravey, dinner rolls, check check.

Everything turns out great. I'm a little drunk from the bottle of wine I drank while cooking . I was jamming out to Christmas music. Dinner served at 2p.

Afterwards, my wife says, "now you know how horrible it is to cook the Christmas meal."

Upon reflection, it wasn't that horrible. It was actually kind of enjoyable preparing the meal. I liked it. Of course, I was a little sauced, but it really wasn't that bad. I think I may have just debunked the myth that cooking the Christmas meal is some sort of agonizing torture that women-folk somehow endure just to please their man and their family.

I think they're just looking for a little appreciation. No problem! Henceforth, I'll not only volunteer to help with some of the Christmas cooking, I'll volunteer to help with clean up (which is the real sucky part of the meal), and I'll try to be more appreciative.

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