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Kennedy Western University Online

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Long time between posts. I've been super busy at work and now my Dad has arrived for a visit. So, no poker this weekend. This is a good thing. I need to constantly work to keep that balance in my life: work<->family<->poker. This should be a good weekend. I'm adding a day of vacation to a 3 day weekend (MLK Holiday) for a nice 4 day weekend. I think we'll check out the auto show.

My last poker outing, the first of the year, was a train wreck. I lost $300. We played a cash game, $1/$1 blinds NLHE for 2 rounds followed by $1/$1 blinds PL Omaha for a round with a $100 max buy in. I'll adopt the name of this game given by a poker collegue of mine, the pizza critic - H2O.

If you read this blog, you are required to comment on the next 2 hands. I'll make it easy for you. It'll be multiple choice. I need to know, how would you have played these hands. C'mon. It'll be fun.

1rst hand. I have about $150 in front of me. I'm in middle position, playing hold'em. I have 2 aces. I raise the pot to $8. This was a little more than normal and probably gave my hand away a little. I get one caller - the small blind. The SB, Andrew, was up and down for the session at this point. He had gone up about $400 for a while and now he was back down to about $150.

This player was pretty wreckless. He would bet/raise with poor/no holdings. He really liked to take a lot of flops. Then, he'd have a hard time laying down a hand even with as little as 5 outs. But he was getting paid off on some big hands, plus he was really running hot. Dangerous player. Anyway the flop comes 10, 7, 7. SB checks, I bet $20 into an $18 pot. I'm check raised to $60.

What do you do here.
(a) call and let him bluff off all of his chips on the later streets
(b) fold, you are beat. This guy is not dumb enough to run a play at you in this spot.
(c) raise all in. You only get Aces once/twice a night. It's payday.

I muck. Andrew shows Q7s. Good laydown JJ.

Hand #2. I'm a little fuzzy on this one, but here's the replay to the best of my memory. The game is PLO. I'm holding 7x-7x-Ac-4c. In early position. As was the case in 90% of the PLO hands, the pot was raised to $5 preflop and there were 4 callers. The flop comes 6-5-5. BB bets $8, I call, 2 players behind fold. The turn is the 7 (6-5-5-7) giving me the overboat with 7s full on a board where someone might believe that their straight may somehow be good. It goes check, check. The river is a Q for a board of (6-5-5-7-Q). The SB leads out for $20.

Here's what I'm thinking. If he had the boat on the flop, he's beat. If he had three 5s on the flop and caught a queen on the river, he's beat. I decide to min raise to $40. Without hesitation, he re-raises to $90.

Now this player makes real solid decisions. I've played numerous hours with him and have never really seen him make a total boneheaded decsion, so I have to give this re-raise some serious respect. However, he's not real experienced at playing Omaha. On 2 times earlier in the session, he needed to be coached on reading his Omaha hands and the requirement to play 2 cards from his hand.

What do you do here.
(a) Push all your chips in. Go with your read. You are surely winning here.
(b) Fold. You are up against quads for sure.

(c) Call. Don't get crazy here. You don't have the nuts, so no re-raise.

I call. He shows quads. I'm completely taken off gaurd. I gave zero consideration to him holding quads. The only hand I was worried about was QQ for a rivered overboat.

Then, to make a bad night worse, I lost 2 out of 3 on $20 high count my own house. This is pittiful. I should never loose in darts in my own house. I mean, this is my house, my house. No one comes into my house and beats me at darts. No one! This is my house,...bitch!

hand one is an easy fold. andrew doesnt play huge pots against nits without great hands.

hand two sucks for you, but should be a fold. you dont get 3bet on the river by any worse hands ever.

i think there is some luck to darts. :)
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