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Kennedy Western University Online

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Down but not Out

So I've been down with a pretty nasty cold the last few days. I've pretty much just lounged around doing next to nothing....which I hate.

Up to this point, I've been keeping busy during the weekday evenings lately by finishing my formal dining room. I haven't had much energy or time to play any online poker. I've probably been on a 5-6 week hiatus.

So I warmed up the laptop and jumped back in the game and played some H.O.R.S.E SnGs on Full Tilt. Let me tell ya, it was just like riding a bike.

One win, two seconds, and a loss. Not bad!

One interesting hand came up during the last session. I didn't do anything too special except catch a miracle river card. The game was Omaha 8. I held the 4h-5h-x-x. In any case, we got 4 bets in on both the turn and the river. I made a wheel and then improved to a straight flush and was able to scoop a nice pot as I cracked a guy's rivered quads. The only reason I played the hand is that we were just about to end round 2 and I hadn't played a hand. I figured I better play one.

Anyway can you imagine the feeling of the other 2 players in this hand? I've been there. It sucks pretty bad - for them.

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