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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tear it up!

I rember when I was 12 years old, I watched the NBA playoffs on a little black & white TV with the "rabbit ears" sticking up. No remote. I'd have to sit 3 feet away so that I could switch channels during time outs.

I really admired the greats of the era (Dr. J, Maurice Cheeks, Daryl Dawkins, Bird, Isiah, Parish, McHale, etc..).

Then, after the games would end, I would run outside to our little one-car detached garage where I had an old hoop, nailed to a 2x6 framed backboard, hanging from just above the garage door. For hours, I'd practice the moves I had just saw. I'd be out there, pump-faking imaginary opponents and trying out my dunks on the 7 foot rim. I'd work so hard that I'd be completely wiped out by dinner time.

I can still remember the incredible motivation that watching these great athletes would inspire.

Now that I'm a little past my athletic prime, poker is my new competitive outlet, and I still get really motivated at times to play better.

My latest 'dose' of motivation came from two seperate events. The first event was watching high stakes poker this past Monday. It seems like I was able to pick out a some of the very subltle but remarkably good plays made by these top players. These plays are probably come second nature to the pros, but they were very remarkable to me. On one play there was a steal/resteal play that was just brilliant. I was also really impressed with some folds by Daniel Negraneu.

The second event provide a ton of motivation was a really bad session of NLHE cash game at Boone's place Friday night. I lost $300 (booooo!). In my defense I was really card dead. But I really have no exuse for loosing this much money. For some reason, I found myself playing big pots, out of position, with marginal hands. I did this over and over and over. If I wasn't getting bluffed out of pots, I was making marginal calls on the river and hoping to get lucky.

After loosing money and playing so badly, I was really motivated to play again and atone for my donkish play.

One particular hand got me really steaming, but when I look back on it, I'm not sure how I could have played much worse.

I was in middle position with a Jc-8c. Being the first person into the pot, I raised it to $5. I got called by a donkey in late position and the blinds. In looking back, this a pretty decent play. If I'm the first person into a pot, I like to raise most of the time - especially if the raise might buy me the button. I guess an argument could be made for calling here with a suited 2 gapper, but I'd rather take the lead on the betting as this might give me some bluffing equity later in the hand.

The flop comes pretty good for me J-7-4 rainbow. This gives me top pair with a poor kicker. After the blinds check, I continue by betting $15. The fish in late position thinks a short while then min-raises me. The blinds bow out. Action back to me.

I figure I have 2 options. I really considered folding my marginal holdings here. It is extremely likely that he may hold AJ, KJ, QJ, or J10. These are hands he might call a preflop raise with. I really don't give him credit for Qs, Ks, or As since I'm pretty sure I would have seen a re-raise preflop. I might also get min-raised with an smaller pair as more of a "feeler" raise to see where he was at.

In the end, I decided to go with my read that the min-raise reaked of weakness, so I reraised back $40 more. I have about $100 behind. Villian has me covered. He calls.

So here's the problem with this play. The pot already has $65 when I make my $40 reraise. After my nemisis calls, the pot has $125. I have just created a humongous pot, that I'll have the pleasure of playing out of postion for the next 2 streets all the while holding top pair/weak kicker. Brilliant!

A much better play would have been to fold or raise to about $60. This would give him a real good reason to fold or a real bad price if he had middle pair or was on some sort of straight draw.

The turn was a 6. The board reads J-7-4-6 rainbow. Here's where I make my biggest blunder. I have 3 options. If I think I'm beat, I can check/fold or put out a little blocker bet ($25) and hope to showdown a winner. If I think I'm in the lead, I can just shove here with my final $100 into a $125 pot and most likely take it down right there. Instead, I bet $50 and get called. This is a horrible bet. The pot now has $225 and I have $50 left behind. I'm already committed to this pot. Why didn't I just put it all in on the turn and get donkey kong to fold his long shot?

The river is a scary looking 9. The board reads J-7-4-6-9. I check. Other player shoves all in. I have $50 left. I can't hardly think of any hands that I can beat here, but I'm locked into this looser. I call.

Eyeor shows down a pair of 9s. He hit what turned out to be a 2 outer on the river to win this.

This got me steaming a little, but when I look back, I'm beating almost no hands, the pot is gianormouse and I'm pot committed. Brilliant.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to my next NL cash game session. I'm taking a wad of $100s to Motor City or to the home game next weekend and am going to TEAR IT UP.

Monday, March 19, 2007

1st Step to Recovery

They say that the first step to recovery is to admit that you have a problem.

So, here it goes.

I have a problem. This is a little embarrassing, but ….I like to play Low Limit Home Poker Games.

That’s right – low stakes limit poker. I love it! There’s nothing better than 10 buddies sitting around a poker table watching the game on TV or some other late night programming, playing $1/$2 or $2/$4 limit mixed games, giving each other the business for bad plays and suckouts, etc…

There is extra satisfaction when you play low stakes poker with good players and can win a little money. It’s much better than playing low stakes at the casino with a bunch of Donkeys that can’t read their own hand.

There’s also something very liberating about playing at stakes that are well within one’s bankroll. I’ve went to the casino with $400 before and sat down at the $100 max buy in NLHE game and went broke twice. It sucks when you are making your 3rd reload and you know you only have enough ammunition for one more reload. It affects your play. It affects your confidence, your attitude. It’s a disadvantage.

On the other hand, when you take $400 to the $2/$4 limit home game, if you loose $100 you’ve either had a real nasty run or you’re playing like a mule. It’s real hard to loose $400. It’s also real hard to win $400. The swings are usually in the range of +$75 to -$75. That low variation compared to your bankroll has, at least for me, a very liberating affect. I have no problem making a raise when a raise is necessary. I have no problem making a tough call. I’m not thinking about the value of the chips at that point. I’m just thinking about the value of the correct play.

I’m almost certain that is one of the advantages that professionals have over Rec players. Pros have ‘working capital’ and bankroll. Rec players have ATM withdrawls.

So, why is playing Low Limit Home Poker Games a problem?

Like most parents and full-time employees, I have a limited amount of time to play poker. I need to budget my poker time efficiently. More and more lately I find myself choosing to spend my scarce poker playing time at the Low Limit Home Game vs. the somewhat higher stakes casino games - where the hourly rate is better. So, in essence, I’m choosing an activity that has negative consequences (lower hourly rate)…that’s a problem, right?

I guess I'll follow the advice of the famous 21st century philosopher, Rod Stewart, "If loving you is wrong, I don't wanna be right".

Thursday, March 15, 2007


So the first evening of the NCAA tournament is about over. 2 of my underdog picks failed to pull off the upset (Oral Roberts and Texas Tech). Then, the 6-11 favorite Duke blew it. So I'm down 3 games. I did pick a 9-8 winner, MSU though. Not a great start, but not too bad. (my brackets)
These first 2 days of the tournament are one of the best sports events of the year.

An interesting question was posed on Mike&Mike in the morning. They asked listeners what are the best sports days of the year. Here are my top 5. Yours?

5. Superbowl
4. Nebraska vs Colorada every Friday after Thanksgiving
3. Opening night in the NBA (triple header on TNT) - on Halloween night.
2. NCAA basketball Tourney (first 2 days)
1. New Year's Day bowl games

Last year, I ran an NCAA bracket buster contest. Points were scored by taking the square of the seed number if the team won. For example, if a 10 seed won, you score 100 points (10 squared). If a #1 seed won, you score 1 point (1 squared). Obviously, you were rewarded for picking upsets. I built a real simple computer model that, based on the probability of each team winning, it picked the teams that would score the most points. As it turns out, the computer suggested to just pick the teams with the highest seed number (16, 15, 14, etc...) even though their odds of winning were very small. So I picked all upsets, straight down the board. Yada Yada Yada...I won and everyone was mad at me.

Speaking of upsets, I was playing some poker last weekend. It was limit poker, 7 handed. I won $50. Whooo Hooo!

An intersting hand came up when playing limit Hold'Em. I was on the button and watched the player UTG raise followed by 3 cold callers. I look down and find 9-2 offsuit. I did some quick math and determined that I was being offered immediate odds of 4:1 and the blinds would both call giving me 6:1. Plus, I hate to fold my button. So I call.

The flop comes 9-4-5. It's checked to me. I bet. I get called in 3 spots. The turn is a 2 giving me top and bottom. It's checked to me. I bet and get 1 caller. The river is a 10. It's checked to me. I bet. I get called, show down the winner and drag a nice pot.

Then, the complaining starts. "how can you call a raise with that garbage?" "You're the worst player in the world." "You're such a donkey." "I wish you'd die - you suck!" The insults were flying so fast, I couldn't keep track.

So, I just got around to simulating the chance of 9-2 offsuit winning at showdown against 4 players playing top 15% hands and the blinds playing top 50% hands. It's a little less than 10%. I guess my cold call of 2 bets preflop may have been a little "marginal" - Ok, I'm a donkey. Live and learn. Next time I'll fold it. There's probably some "implied odds" I should probably take into account, but I'm real tired right now.

Anyway, I get to spend a day of vacation tomorrow accompanying my 10 year old son on his all day field trip to Toledo. Bus ride, 4 hours, 50 screaming kids....should be a blast.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Two teams you can following the NCAA Tourney

So you're looking for some Cinderella teams that you can follow in the NCAA tournament this year - right?

Let me give you a couple of teams.

First the Creighton Blue Jays. This team is out of the surpisingly competitive "Mo Valley" conference (all but 3 teams had winning records). They hail from Omaha Nebraska. They beat a very good Southern Ill. team in the conference championship game . Interestingly, I used to live in Omaha - which is a great sports town. It was always fun to watch this small Jesuit school beat teams like Nebraska in Basketball (usually resulting in the firing of the NU basketball coach).

Second - the Winthrop Eagles - out of the Big South Conference. They go 14-0 in conference and feature a really good, young coach (Greg Marshall). Look for big things from this guy in the future. This team hails from Rock Hill South Carolina. They had a 28 and 4 overall record with losses to Wisconsin (in OT), Texas A&M, and North Carolina - all road losses. Not too shabby. Interestingly, I used to live in Fort Mill South Carolina - which is a sister city to Rock Hill.

I guess if history is any indicator, since I now live in Oakland County, then we should start preparing for the powereful Oakland University Golden Grizz to make a splash on the National stage in the next few years. Why not?

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