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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Smack Down in O-Town

So I put the smackdown, as predicted, on the Canadians at the Great Blue Heron Casino (just north of Oshawa Ontario).

The game was 5/10 limit holdem. I bought in for $100 and double up on my first hand when I was dealt pocket Aces in the SB. I found my self going to the flop 7 handed with 14 small bets in the pot. I kept betting and betting until I finally had to showdown my hand. Pretty cool.

Next Hand I get dealt 10-10. Same routine. This time, I turn trips after a flop of 9-7-3, but loose to a guy 8-10.

Other than that, I just played really tight and really agressive and things broke my way for once.

I won $594 Canadian which is like $635 in real money. Whoooo Hoooooo!

One interesting hand I lost went like this.

I'm dealt Qd-10d in middle position. After it's folded to me, I raise. A guy on the button calls as do the blinds. The flop comes Ax-Qx-9x. The blinds check, I bet, the button calls, one blind calls. The turn is a 5 making the board Ax-Qx-9x-5x. I have 2nd pair. It goes check around. The river is a 6 making the board Ax-Qx-9x-5x-6x. It goes check around. Everyone tables their hands.

I look but don't see an Ace anywhere. Ok, cool! I look but don't see a Queen anywhere. Ok. Cool! I start to lick my chops expecting the dealer to push the pot my way. I even get my one white chip toke loaded up. But alas, the guy on the button held 5s-6s for 2 pair an wins the pot.

It takes me a second, and I kind of had to think out loud, but...."WHAT?" I ask him, "when you called the bet on the flop, what where you hoping to hit?" He had no pair, no draw, and 2 under cards.

They play a very intersting style of poker in Canada.

Greektown's not in Canada, but I see the exact same type of play there. Of course, at Greektown, the donkeys are always rewarded.
hey Jon,
remember this hand?
i do...

That's right. I'd need to catch runner-runner. I don't know the odds exactly but I think runner-runner clubs is about 5% (actually, it's closer to 2%), so I toss in the $2 and try to get lucky. Turn is a club. I pick up a flush draw. Compton bets. There are now 10 big bets in the pot. I need to call 1. Getting 10:1, but being a 5 or 6 to 1 dog is the right price. River is a club. Compton check/calls and I bust up his set of 9s by going runner-runner.
Yea. Big difference though! When I catch runner-runner, it's because I'm such a skillful poker player., I had an over, and a back door (which, by definition, is a draw).
Very good......
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