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Monday, August 28, 2006

Poker Economies - part 2 - The 1-time Wonders

So I didn't cash in the tournament Saturday (45 people), but I faired good in the cash game (No Limit Hold'Em). I continue to run good. I think this is 9 cash game winning sessions out of the last 11. Note to self-I think I better start to work a little harder on my NLHE cash game if this is going to be the cash game of choice.

I had an observation about "one time wonders". I've been playing for about 3 years. In that time, I've probably played with around 50-100 people on a semi-regular basis. I've also played with around 100 "one time wonders" - players who join the game, drop some money, and are never seen again. I'm sure these players are 'contributors' to the poker economy, but there is simply not enough of them, loosing enough money to drive this economy. There has to be additional contributors.

So how does the poker economy work? I'm pretty sure that there has to equilibrium - equal amount of money lost as money won. One way to explain this is that everyone breaks around even in the long run. I've even read estimates on the microscopically small number of long term winners in poker.

I'm really starting to believe that there must be several of the "good" "regular" players contributing as well. If I'm right, then the question is "what is in it for them?" Why do they keep playing if they are contributors? I think the answer might be that they play for the social aspect, they play to have fun, they play to work on their game, they are only loosing temporarily, they make money at the casino - so they can still loose at the home games, they make money on the internet, etc....

Tip of the day, keep detailed records of your wins/losses. Know if you are a taker or a giver. Be honest. Also, to keep the economy alive, make sure to take care of the contributors - be social, have fun, etc....

After all, I may be a long term contributor to this economy as well and I'm only now on the temporary upward sloping portion of a winnings chart....naw!

Poker Economies - part 1

So I played in the second annual golf/poker outing yesterday. The golf was fun. I played half-assed. Our team was out matched in a big way. The front 9, from the back tees, was just incredibly difficult. But I had fun spending time with some poker buddies, spending time with the wife and a couple of neighbor friends. The after golf barbecue and event ceremony was pretty nice. I really enjoyed it.

Now onto the important The poker tournament went about as normal. I played OK and got busted. Here's the situation. I played a few hands early - nothing special. I was down to about $2600 (we started with $3500). With blinds at 50/100, I limped in middle position with a 5h6h. It was bumped a little in late position by Watson. (When you read the name "Watson", you need to say it in your mind the way that Jerry Sienfeld used to announce his nemesis - Neuman....Neuman).

One blind called. I called. The flop gave me a double belly buster and flush draw (3h 7h 9x). Small blind bets about 1/3 of the pot. I call. Watson quadruples the bet. Opener calls. I'm faced with an all in decision. I think I might actually be a favorite to win this hand and triple up. I have 15 outs for a straight or flush - with 2 outs to the straight flush - saucey. I can't put the SB on a flush or straight draw. He seemed like a beginner and not someone that would lead out into a field with a draw. It is real easy for me to put Watson on an overpair. So I call all in thinking my straight and flush outs are clean. The lesson here...try not to call all-in when you are hoping to catch good and win. Try to be the guy that calls all-in when you are certain you are ahead.

Anyway, I digress.....The turn gives me the flush, but to my horror, SB leads out. Now I know my little heart flush is no good and I make a quick exit to the cash game. SB was on Q high flush draw.

So this tournament and the cash game got me to thinking about poker economies. Who are the "givers"? Who are the "takers"? Does there need to be equilibrium - like they taught me in economics class? Where does the money come from?

....More on the next post.

Friday, August 25, 2006

I'm ba-ack....sort of

So I hit the ball half ass last night on the driving range. This is a 100% improvement over recent outings. I think I may actually be looking forward to the big VanKeno golf scramble tomorrow.

I guess it doesn't really matter. I start the day off by sleeping in. Then, I proceed to play golf for 4 or 5 hours. Then, I go to a barbeque with a bunch of my poker buddies (and wife). Then, I get to play poker most of the night. Tomorrow might just be a perfect day.

Then, college football starts next weekend....which is a 3 day weekend. Am I dreaming?

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Other things in life

So this is the 3rd weekend in a row with no poker. To be honest, it kinda sucks.

I did throw a 180 in darts last night (or as they say in dart circles....a ton 80)

I also was on fire in XM trivia (this is a game of name that artist/tune) played using XM radio. I hit a 50s song (Nat King Cole) and a country song (George Straight) after hitting 3 80s songs in a row - each within about 3 seconds of the start of the song. Smmmmmokin'!

I may be in one of those rare and fleeting periods in life where you just run hot for a while. I've been on a pretty solid streak in Poker. I've won in 8 of my last 10 home cash games for a little over $1300.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Great Blue Heron Escapes

The players at the Great Blue Heron Casino avoided a major beating as I was unable to make it to the casino due to some other obligations (eating and drinking in Oshawa).

They won't be so lucky next time.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Great Blue Heron - the optimistic JJ

So I'm zero for two at the Great Blue Heron charity Casino in Port Perry Ontario.

But tonight, I'm going to beat the holy crap out of that low limit ($5/$10) Hold'Em game there.

I post my results in a couple of days.

Here are my keys:

Theme: Play tight/loose (tight preflop and loose uber-agressive post flop).

Key #1: Open for a raise. If I open a pot, I want to open for a raise about 4/5 times. Avoid limping from early position.

Key #2: Count all of the outs (partial outs, hidden outs, etc...) after the flop. Try to find a reason to call vs. a reason to fold. 5 outs with 2 cards to come is golden. 9 outs on the turn is beautiful. Use a kind of 'biased' logic.

Key #3: No overcalling/cold calling. If I'm tempted to overcall or cold call, just raise it! If not, fold.

Key #4: Value bet relentlessly. These fish call with any bottom/middle pair just to prevent anyone from bluffing them off a hand. I should help releive them of the burdon of their Canadian dollars. If I get check raised on a river value bet more than 10 times, I can re-evaluate this strategy. Until them...value bet damit!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

An Evil, Evil Game

Golf is an evil, evil game. Like Krammer said at the end of the 'master of your domain' contest, "I'm out".

I went to the driving range today. Same shit, different day, 6 bucks wasted.

On a happier note, my lawn edger kicks ass!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Only Somewhat Pregnant

So I've got this golf plus poker event coming up in a few weeks. I'm conflicted because, as you know, I'm retired from golf forever - now going on 7 days.

At first it was no big deal. Since my wife and the neighbor couple were to be my foursome, and since we couldn't land a babysitter, I was just going to bail on the golf. Then yesterday, my wife tells me that we landed a babysitter (mom inlaw).

Now I'm stuck. How can I be retired from golf and still participate in the golf outing? Can I be only 'somewhat' retired? If it's a golf plus poker outing, can I just call it a poker event and still keep my retirement status?

This weekend is completely open (no poker), so maybe I'll hit the driving range. Just remember, I'm still retired from golf, forever.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Reload Blues

So I ran my PokerStars account up from my initial $50 deposit to nearly $500 and now back down to $79. It's so depressing to reload. I want to avoid it at all costs. Now I'm stuck playing $.50/$1 Omaha8. It sucks in the worst way.

I ran it up by grinding it out playing $1/$2 and $2/$4 Omaha8 and playing super tight.

To loose it....
I thought I would "practice" NL Hold'Em for my trip to Vegas. Then, I found a way to lose a bunch (10-20) Pot Limit Omaha SnGs in a row recently. I guess I'll consider that my training for the PL Omaha tourney I hosted (and won) last Saturday. Still, the players at the live tournment were, as a group, much better than the players I'm facing on Stars and I simply could not cash in the SnGs on Stars. WHY???

I won enough at the live tournament to reload my Stars account without sweating, but I just can bring myself to reload. I hate it. I guess I'll grind it out at the micro limits....again.

I hit it with a wuffle ball bat

I'm not sure how to spell 'wuffle' (or is it wiffle). Anyway, I hit a wiffle ball around the backyard tonight. I used the tips from one of my employees at work. He suggested that I grip the club with a stronger right hand grip. He also gave me some tips on how to feel tension in my right leg on the backswing and forward swing.

I hit the shit out of the wiffle ball with my 5 iron. Now, keep in mind I'm not really sure what "hitting the shit out of it" means. I've never hit the shit out of any club at anytime, ever. Plus, I was using a wiffle ball. How can you tell if you're hitting the shit out of a wiffle ball? Anyway, I had a twinkle of optimism. Then I remembered, I'm still retired from golf going on 7 days

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